Sunday 3 April 2016

The Story of Left Over Holiday Candy

Does this look familiar?

It seems like after every Holiday I have left over candy.

It started with Halloween candy, which is kinda the point of Halloween. When your young it's about gathering as much candy as you can and trying to gain unfettered access to that candy, which used to happen a lot more than it does now. As an adult you still like candy, but know it's not good for you, so you create an excuse to eat more than you should “it left over from Halloween. I have to eat it or it'll go to waste”

So left over holiday candy started with Halloween, but then it spread.

Christmas is a holiday of excess. This includes food & food includes candy. There is so much food & sweets & treats that there is bound to be left overs well in to the new year. If there isn't you are either a) very restrained in your purchases. OR b) very un-restrained in your consumption. which means you will likely be treated for diabetes in the new year.

Easter comes up a little after you've finished the last piece of Christmas candy & just before you miss having a stash of guilt free chocolate. Guilt free, because how can you feel guilty when your just eating some old left overs?
Easter is a chocolate & marshmallow Bacchanalia. Bunnies & eggs of all shapes and sizes made of chocolate, carmel, peanut-butter, marshmallow and hard candy coating. Anything made of sugar has more sugar added to it & a bow wrapped around it. On Easter morning there is so much candy that we need baskets to carry it all! I think the need for specialized candy carrying equipment says everything necessary about how much candy is involved & how much will be left over.

After Easter there really aren't any holidays with left over candy until Halloween comes around again. Sure there are lots of opportunities for sweets & candy. There's deep fried candy bars, cotton candy, & caramel apples at spring carnivals & fall fairs. There are cakes & pies with fresh fruit at summer BBQ's, but there are no holidays with enough left over candy to last into the middle of next week.
Why all the good candy holidays come in the colder half of the year is a discussion for another day.

That's what my story is about today. A little stash of candy that hangs around after the holiday has past. To me the joy of left over candy is starting a boring task on an uninspiring day and realizing you have a bit of holiday fun tucked away in in a drawer or cupboard. When you pull out that bit of left over candy it can turn your average day into something, just a little, more like a holiday. 

Want to see more?   I'm also on  Flickr, VimeoYouTube, Google+ & Twitter.

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